90% of Canadian Money has Traces of Cocaine

It's not surprising that there is cocaine on our paper money considering it is a cash only Business. Most legal transactions today are done with cards and not cash, so the bulk of the cash has gone through some form of illegal transaction. Maybe the government should do away with legal tender all together.

Some are worried about Big Brother watching what they are spending their money on. My question to them is what are you buying that would flag you as needing to be investigated?

If there was no cash then it would be harder to launder money. Think about it - if they can't buy it with cash and then how could they clean their money? How would they have dirty money to start with? Without cash how could their buyers purchase their product? Do drug dealers take Visa?

Think about the money the government would save because it no longer needs to manufacture legal tender. For that matter the amount of trees that would be saved.

Criminals being what they are would find another way around it to sell their drugs. Addicts will find ways to buy them, even in a cashless society. However, making it harder for them to get what they want should be the goal of government. Since the drug industry is so lucrative and brings so much cash into the country, I doubt the government is in a hurry to put up another barrier to the drug trade.

I know that a virtual cash society is not realistic, we've lost the war on drugs and they are a part of our society. Knowing that 90% of our money has traces of Cocaine, (and Canadian money has more than US) is not helpful, studies that tell us how to keep our kids from choosing to try Cocaine in the first place.

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