I have to put together a home office in the corner of my bedroom. I need the home office for work but I was thinking of incorporating all my scrapbook, family, and business stuff into the space. Not easy considering the minimal amount of funds and space I have available.
Organizing 12x12 scrapbook paper can be tricky because it doesn't fit traditional business sized filing systems. This is why such items as 12x12 hanging file folders and 12x12 file folders are so perfect. Only thing is what can hold 12x12 file folders? How about a blue 12x12 box specifically meant to organize your 12x12 Scrapbook paper?
The 12x12 cascade folders are a handy way to organize your papers and if you have as much scrapbook paper as I do you may want to color code the paper with the matching 12x12 cascade folder color.
I have scrapbook stuff in rubbermaid three / four / and seven drawers on wheels. Not much to look at but at least everything has a place. I cover it with beautiful brown cloth I picked up from Wal Mart for .10/meter. They are great for the cutters, magazines, and various tools but aren't big enough for the paper.
I do file the 8x11 cardstock and larger embellishments in a rubbermaid file box with lid and find it very handy when I need a color or a themed embellishment. I would prefer to file the 12x12 paper the same way along with all the work and personal files. I have a cedar chest that I will have my husband convert to a very large file cabinet so the 12x12 files will fit along with the regular letter sized. This may take some creative fabrication on his part with 2 different width sizes. If I just had the boxes then I could pull out the box I wanted to find the file of. It would also be handier for work as I will be travelling a lot and will need to take boxes of files with me.
The smaller embellishments like buttons, eyelets, and brads were easy to organize in a fishing tackle box. Perfect sized compartments for them and I was able to organize the paints, inks, and embossing powders in the larger compartment. Makes it easy to pick it up and take with me when I want to work somewhere else besides home.
Trying to keep everything at hand and in order can be difficult, there are lots of organizing products out there in the market. Which works best for you?
2.Groovy Retro Theme Birthday Party Invitation Template
3.Purse shaped girls birthday card.
Organizing the Scrapbook Stuff - I have so much Scrapbooking Supplies Organizing it is a Nightmare
Kids Go Green - Cute T-Shirt for the Go Green back to school Kids
I was looking for stationary when I came across this cool online magazine - KidsLA Magazine. The cover is what caught my eye - Kid's Go Green and a little girl wearing a cute green recycle symbol t-shirt.
Kids are getting ready to go back to school and want to wear something different that will also say something about their values. At cafepress.com there are so many different designs that your child will find something that they will love to wear to school.
I can't believe school is right around the corner. The kids are coming back this weekend and I have to get them back on a proper sleep schedule and shop for clothes and supplies. Then figure out bus schedules and how to get my son to school the mornings I have an appointment and am out of town. Life is going to get more complicated with both of us working and two different schools and two different school systems. Time to get the mom's schedule calender, I'm looking forward to a regular daily routine.
I Gotta Get Serious and Loose some Serious Weight
OK I'll admit it - I'm overweight and I need to loose some serious weight. Diets suck and I've tried a number of them, but fall off the wagon sorta speak. I start exercise regimes but then life gets busy and before I know it I've missed a day or two and don't get back at it.
I really need to get healthy, that's the big thing. I eat terribly and sit on my butt way too much. I hate packing lunch and since I am a salesperson I'm in my car 90% of the time so the drive thrus have become a bad habit as a lunch choice.
So the commitment needs to start now - right now with a walk to pick my daughter up from school and then making my cold calls while standing or pacing. So that's my plan for today - not a huge life altering step but a step none the less.
Any ideas, what works and what doesn't? How to stay motivated and really want to loose weight? I think that's my first major problem I don't feel overweight, yet the scale says I am. Everytime I start loosing weight and something life altering happens I turn to junk and stick my head in a book until it all passes, in the meantime I've gained 20lbs. A reason to loose weight, one I can passionately hold on to is what I need. What have been some of your reasons to loose weight or diet?
Blooming Flower Card or Scrapbook Embellishment
I found this great template to make a blooming flower card and created both a thank you card and a scrapbook embellishment / card. Can be used to make so many different types of cards or scrapbook embellishments.
First cut out the 4 pieces of the template and then decorate both sides of each petal with either pictures or stamps. The great thing about making a scrapbook embellishment is you can use up pictures that are hanging around.Glue all the pieces together and fold each petal into the center and secure with either a ribbon or a piece of paper wrapped around the card.
Check out this Blooming Gift Box
1. Link to the flower template
2.Groovy Retro Theme Birthday Party Invitation Template
3.Purse shaped girls birthday card.
4.Organizing Scrapbook Supplies
Scrapbook titles made from scratch
Had So Much Fun Visiting the Kids at Mabel Lake - They'll be home in 2 weeks and I miss them already
It was a blessing to see the kids for a few days and it just doesn't seem like summer until I'm at the lake. Mabel Lake has changed a lot recently, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. My parents enjoy the 9 hole golf course and I like having a fabulous restaurant to eat at. The kids love watching the planes fly in and out and they'll make lots more friends then we did growing up.
The lake barely changed from when my grandmother was a child to when I was a teenager spending summers there. A few cabins here and there but for the most part it was a quiet lake. Now the development has brought lots more people from Calgary into the area and as a result the lake is busier and animals are disappearing. We were commenting that although there are little frogs there are no more big bull frogs and there is a marked increase in mosquito's due to the decrease in bats.
I'm glad my kids are able to spend their summers there with their grandparents. My parents are relatively young and my kids entertain themselves they are hardly a strain on them. The whole time my parents kept commenting on how quiet and good they are. They are amazed at how they take care of each other and play together so well, all the time. Ya right -- We did notice a marked increase in both of them being mean to each other and I think it's time they were separated a bit more.
Two more weeks then they will be home playing with their own friends and spending more time apart which I'm hoping will result in appreciating the time they are together more - I can hope can't I? With different schools and different after school care facilities the time they will have together will be less, much less. I want to make a conscious effort to ensure they do have quality time together throughout the week, not always easy when both parents work and both kids have activities. Thing is it is so important to me that they remain the best of friends that it will be a priority to have quality family and sibling time. I believe this has been the key all along - not too much time together but enough to ensure a close bond.
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