Christmas always comes with the question, "What am I going to get the kids?" My kids have a short list, and it is filled with Wii games. I really want to find something that they would just love but would keep them off the video game console.
Any suggestions for a 10 year old boy? and a 7 year old tom-boy? No princesses allowed according to my little girl.
Check out this news article on the Best Toys for the little rock stars, artists, and performers.
Christmas Gifts for Little Kids - The Top Picks
Stampin Up Dasher Stamp - Pictures of Handmade Christmas Cards
I just got the Stampin Up Dasher Stamp so I sat down and got to work on some cards for the Christmas season. I love this stamp, its so elegant.
With this series of Christmas cards I used nearly navy and white Stampin Up cardstock, Silver cardstock I bought from Micheals, Encore Silver ink.
I used nearly navy stampin up cardstock and a silver cardstock I picked up at Michaels. Dasher and the snowflakes were stamped using Encore Silver ink.
I used Stampin Up red and nearly navy cardstock and a silver cardstock I bought at Micheals. I used Encore silver ink to stamp Dasher, Merry Christmas, and snowflakes and Stampin Up nearly navy to stamp Deck the Halls. I used the Encore Silver ink to ink the edges of the oval that I cut using the Creative Memories cutting system. I added 2 small red plastic jewels that I got a Wal Mart to the silver cardstock. I attached the Merry Christmas oval to the silver cardstock strip with extra thick foam dots. I used a silver making memories stamp to attach the nearly navy cardstock with dasher stamped on it to a small silver piece to add visual balance.
I like the simplisity of this card. I used red, teal, and white Stampin Up cardstock. Dasher and 'tis the season was stamped using Encore gold ink.
For this card I used red and a teal with white Stampin Up card stock and then heat embossed snowflakes with gold Stampin Up embossing powder for the background. Dasher was stamped with Encore gold ink.
I used red, chocolate, and carmel Stampin Up cardstock, a yellow printed paper and 3 Making Memories antiqued brass snaps. The ribbon is a cheap gift wrap ribbon with Merry Christmas printed in gold. Dasher was stamped using Encore gold ink.
More Ideas to stamp with Dasher...
Angelina Jolie - Hello Magazine's Celebrity of the Decade
Watch out at the supermarket for the next issue of 'Hello' Canada Magazine. They have named Angelina Jolie the Celebrity of the decade and the article will reveal more about her REAL life with Brad Pitt.
I like the Hello Magazine, not just because its a Canadian publication, but because its not a rag filled with sensational lies and half truths.
Either way if any celebrity deserves the title of celebrity of the decade, it would be Angelina. She's been in the headlines helping people, adopting 3 children, getting married and divorced, involved in a highly visual marital break up and then going on to be 1/2 of the most powerful couple in Hollywood. Not to mention giving birth to 3 beautiful children. Then careerwise she's won an oscar, played the leading lady in a vast number of blockbusters, and has emerged an icon of action and drama. Is there any other celebrity that has done so much in 10 years?
November in Vancouver is a Real Downer
OK enough of the rain already. I knew it was going to be wet and rainy here, afterall that's winter in Vancouver - right?! A month of solid rain and dreary skies, I miss the Calgary sunshine and big sky. I am sitting here looking out at the fabulous view from my bedroom of the Pacific Ocean and all the Islands and all I can think of is where is the sun already.
I am truly getting the blues, I don't want to do much of anything and I am exhausted all the time, even after lots of sleep. Next year I want a vacation to sunnier spots - I don't care if it's minus 40, just as long as there is sunshine!
Oh well, I'll just use the rainy day blues as my latest excuse not to do more than absolutely necessary around the house. I think it's time to go shopping - spending money always improves my mood.
Now I can't even see the ocean for the low fog..... great where's the benefit of living here?
New Bill Introduced to Help Catch Internet Child Pornography Offenders
I can't believe the government actually has to pass legislation that would compel ISP companies to report child pornography websites using their services and keep copies of any evidence uploaded to their sites. Failure to do so will result in Fines up to $100,000.00. Shouldn't this just be a given?
Why would any self respecting ISP owners who receive tips about child porn sites using their services not report it to police or save any and all evidence?
Is business really more important than children? Or is this law necessary to help collect evidence due to the privacy act that hinders the police? Since when is posting something online considered protected under the privacy act anyway?
Email your MPs and ask for tougher legislation to help close down these sites in Canada. In no way should any child pornography website be able to operate out of Canada.
Check out these sites that are helping to combat Child Pornography Online and Keep our Children safe on the web.
Cyber Angels CyberAngels is one of the oldest and most respected online safety education programs in the world.
CPAC - Childrens Protection Advocacy Coalition - Not the best site but their are links to other world wide organizations that are trying to stop child porn.
Websites against Child Porn - Lots of good information and links to more information.
If you know of any site or how to help stop Child Pornography online or off line for that matter please add it in the comments and lets work together to protect our children.
A Good Dishwasher is More Important then a Good Man
I don't hand wash anything, if it can't go into the dishwasher I don't want it. As 'The Lazy Housewife,' hand washing is too much work for me. In our former residence, which we built, I made sure I purchased the best dishwasher available in 2000. I didn't want to wash my dishes before the dishwasher did and I certainly wanted to be able to pile as many dishes as possible into the machine. You never really appreciate what you've got 'til its gone.
We are currently renting a house where the appliances were the best offered in the early 80s and the dishwasher has seen better days. I am so frustrated because I have to not only rinse my dishes before they go into the dishwasher, but I have to soak them in soapy water. I can't pile dishes into it, only a few at a time making sure nothing is covering any other item. I might as well hand wash ... heaven forbid!
When we finally do obtain the purchase of that perfect house it has to have a state of the art dishwasher and if it doesn't - one will have to be put in before I move in. Although anything newer then what I have now has got to better. I have to empty it 3 times a day ... last time I ran a dishwasher that much I had 6 kids for breakfast lunch and snack time on top of the usual family of 4 mess.
The next dishwasher must be able to create enough water pressure to blast any stuck on mess off any dish or pot. It must have enough space to hold almost all my dishes at once. It should come with an extra boost of heating the water to ensure all bacteria is annihilated and if it was able to empty and fill itself it would forever be in my kitchen.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt - Coolest Parents
Come on how cool is it when parents dress up on Halloween to go trick or treating with their kids? I don't - but I never claimed to be cool..... I love it when I see dads dress up to go door to door.
I would think being who they are, the Pitt-Jolie family would have a very hard time going trick or treating. These pictures of the Pitt-Jolie family are great and show just how cool it would be to have these two as parents. Normalcy isn't an option for this famous family, but they try to give their kids what they had growing up as much as safely possible. Its good to see the take a drink with you tradition is alive and well. Just what is Brad and Angelina dressed up as? I don't get it.
It's nice to see that like our home there are no princesses in their house. Shilo continues to be influenced by her big brothers and remains the consummate tom boy.
Trick or treat anyone?
More Photos of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
How to make a 3D Finger Jello Pumpkin Cake for Halloween
The Many Ways to Cook a Turkey for the Holidays
It's that time of year again, Christmas. With Christmas comes the Christmas dinner and Turkey is the staple for North American Families. There is more than one way to cook a Turkey, just how much work you want to put into making the perfect bird?
I'm not the most educated when it comes to picking out the best turkey, but if you want the best turkey buying tips the internet is full of them.
I'd never heard of a Turducken before and I won't be making one anytime soon. This is definetly for the most adventurous of cooks. If you want to make a turkey everyone in your extended family will be talking about for years - this might just be the one! A Turducken, for those uneducated in the gormet turkey world -like me, is a Turkey stuffed with a duck, which is stuffed with a chicken and includes stuffing. Like I said, its for the most adventurist of cooks.
How to make a turducken.
Brine your Turkey for the Juciest Turkey around.
I brined a turkey a few years back, when I was more ambitious in the kitchen, and it was the juciest bird I'd ever cooked. It is really simple to do all you need is a cooler, cold water, brown sugar and kosher salt. There are lots of different variations for those who want to be adventerous and have more ambition in the kitchen then I ever had.
How to Brine a Turkey.
Simple How to Brine Recipe from Food network
Feeling more adventerous, add Aromatics and other flavourful items to the Brine.
The Martha Stewart Way to brine a turkey.
I was never so ambitious to go beyond water, salt, and brown sugar. However, these other brine receipes sound so good I wouldn't mind trying the results. Maybe I can get my mom to brine the turkey this year, I've got the cooler.
Deep Fry your Turkey
I've never deep fried a turkey, the first time I heard about it I thought it was a lie. I was manning a booth at a trade show and in conversation with some Texans across the lane the topic of deep fried turkey came up. When they mentioned this method of cooking a turkey I didn't believe them - I thought it was a joke at a Canadian's expense. However with the advent of the internet, I have discovered that a deep fried turkey is a real popular way of cooking turkey south of the 49th parrellel.
Deep frying a turkey may be tasty but it is dangerous if done carelessly. So if you are going to try this method of cooking your bird this year be careful.... I think I'll leave it to the professionals for now.
The Lazy Housewife Method
As the Lazy Housewife, I feel all the above turkey cooking methods are way too much work. My favorite method of cooking a turkey, by far, is purchasing a pre stuffed frozen butterball turkey. It goes directly from the freezer to the oven and after 6-8 hours your table. Cook at 450 for 1/2 hour and then turn the heat down to 300 for the rest of the cooking process. Don't forget to insert the themometer, I like the digital type.
Photo originates from
What's your favorite way to prepare your holiday turkey?
Handmade Cards - Love
I have a hard time making the same card over and over so I make sets instead. With this set I choose a couple of patterned papers, a main stamp, a background stamp, and an ink color. I use up as much of the supplies as possible making different looks.
The Butterfly Love stamp is made by Stampology and I picked it up at WalMart recently. The flower background stamp is a bitty background stamp set from Stampin' Up, which is a discontinued set I bought 4 years ago. The ink is Stampin' Up Baroque Burgandy, another discontinued item I bought about 4 years back.
Oooooops I did it again....
I suck, I wanted to make sugar cookies for the kids to decorate tonight. I was lazy enough to get the Pilsbury Cookie Dough, all I had to do was cut out shapes and bake.... Easy enough. Well, I got busy with other stuff and burnt them, now the house smells like burnt cookies.
Why do I keep trying to do more then one thing and end up not doing anything right? I can multi task at the best of times, except when I'm baking or cooking, I burn something everytime!!!
A month and a bit 'til Christmas.... maybe I should just buy the cookies.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt - Always Doing Something to Benefit Those Less Fortunate
The if it's Hip It's Here blog has posted a full photo spread of the new Asprey Jewelry line designed by Pitt and Jolie. The proceeds from the Protector line of jewelry will go to the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict Organization. Personally, I don't like the snake themed jewelry or the idea of a snake as a protector - but that's my Judeo-Christian upbringing talking. However, I can see how this cultural icon has made its way into the hearts of this family and now will come to protect other Western families, thanks to these designs.
Click to view pictures of the jewelry pieces designed by Jolie and Pitt Takes awhile to load so be patient.
Asprey Jewelry Official Images and information on the Jolie - Pitt Protection Collection. Not all pieces shown.
Angelina Jolie is an amazing woman, an inspiration to many in this world to do what they can to help others. She could have been like other celebrities and only thought of herself but she has chosen to be more than that. She has shown the world what celebrity can do to help change the world. She not only brings awareness but also gives millions from her own pocket through the Joile-Pitt Foundation.
Since Brad Pitt has the same heart it is no wonder he fell in love with her and choose to leave Jennifer Aniston. It is tragic that Jennifer had to be hurt in this but the world has benefited from his contribution of time and money. He became a better person as a result of Angelina's example.
Anonymous donations and quiet contributions by celebrities are beneficial as well, however they miss the opportunity to utilize their celebrity to bring global awareness and change through the media. I realize many celebrities hearts are just as big and their contributions to those less fortunate are no less valuable then those made by Jolie-Pitt. The only thing that is missing is the constant media coverage that inspires others to do something outside themselves.
The Jolie - Pitt family does not use charity opportunities to increase their fame but rather use their fame to increase the charity's opportunities. The way they live, how they constantly contribute and the way they are raising their children are proof that their hearts are in the right place.
Most celebrities inspire people to wear brand names, look a certain way, or be shallow. Paris Hilton's new reality show 'My New BFF' is a perfect example of celebrity used for selfish shallow reasons. The qualifications to be her new best friend are so shallow it is pathetic. I hope to raise my daughter to laugh at celebrities like Paris Hilton and Value celebrities like Angelina Jolie. Since most celebrities are like Paris Hilton it will be an uphill battle for sure.
Angelina is one of my few hero's, my mother and grandmother being the only other two. There is no other celebrity that inspires me to be better or to want to be like them as much as she does. I don't have the money, talent, or fame that she does but I am a mother, a woman, and I can see outside of myself to make a difference.
Unicef - Children's Lives Improving But Still a Long Way to Go
Ann Veneman, Chief of UNICEF, spoke to mark the Universal Children's Day and the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the UN headquarters in New York, about how far they have come to improve the lives of children in the world.
Although they have raised awareness, put a child's face on the AIDs/HIV epidemic and increased the amount of children being educated, there is still so much that needs to be done. In her report she stated:
"I have spoken to girls in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where sexual violence, pillaging, burning of homes and killing define their daily lives."
"I have met boys who were abducted from their families and forced to wage war in their own countries, sometimes even in their own communities," .
"The world must build on the progress achieved to ensure that stories such as theirs become part of the past,"
These stories always effect me but I don't know what I can do. Most people aren't heartless, they feel for those less fortunate then they are, they just don't know what to do. Giving money is easy and for most, who are just trying to get by, not always an option.
What can we do to make life better for those children around the world who's lives are living nightmares?
Handmade Blooming Gift Box for Christmas

I got this idea from Country Heart and Home, take a moment to check out her blooming gift box, its fabulous. you'll have to scroll down a bit as she talks about other things first, but it's worth it.
I didn't have a template so I used an hexagon shape from the Creative Memories Cutting System to measure out the base.
For the first inner most box I used the smallest hexagon shape and measured out 2" for each side and then connected each square to create triangles that connected the squares.

(this is the lid at 1" for the box use 2")
I cut out the whole shape and then cut each square on one side. I scored all the other lines so that the squares would bend up and the triangles would bend across to connect each square securely creating a box. I glued the triangles to the folded up squares creating a box.

I then took the next sized hexagon base and measured 2" sides to create squares across from each other. I did NOT create triangles this time. I cut out the shape and scored the lines that connected the squares to the octagon in order to bend the squares up.

I repeated this with the last sized hexagon. You could make as many layers as you wanted to by adding hexagon bases that are anywhere from 1/4" to 1/2" bigger then the last. I stayed with 3 shapes to make it easier.

I then decorated the squares with pictures and stamps from Stampin' Up.

To secure the whole thing together in a box I made the lid. The hexagon shape for the top was the same size as the largest base hexagon. I then measured 1" from the octagon base to make the sides of the top. As with the innermost box I connected the rectangles to make triangles and cut slit on one side of each rectangle. I scored all the lines and folded the shapes to connect to each other.

I then covered the top with Christmas patterned paper by cutting out the same shape minus the triangles. I glued it to the card stock lid and used a Christmas ribbon around the sides.

Stay at Home (SAHM) or Work Outside of the Home (WOHM) - Which is Best for Kids?
The stay at home vrs work outside of the home debate is always a "hot" one because it involves children. My husband wants me to go back to work, now, mostly because he wants to pay his mom to watch the kids. I'm not sure how I feel about that, or if it matters either way.
My children tell me they like having me home, but does it really matter in the long run? Money is tight, very tight and I am not sure if I can stay home much longer anyway.
Does it matter? Are children better off with mom at home or in daycare?
The Worst Part About Movingt
There are a lot of things I don't like about moving, the worst for me right now is that I can't find some of my books. I love books and I read them more then once. I can't find a few of them and it's driving me a little nuts.
Moving is stressful and hard work. I'll be very glad to see the end of this long drawn out process once we've bought a house and moved in. It will have to be The Perfect House because I don't want to move again anytime soon.
Careful What You Wish For
They were quietly playing in their bedroom, not a peep came out of their mouths. It was peaceful and all of a sudden I missed them and wanted them to come into the living room to spend time with me.... What was I thinking?
How can children at one moment be wonderful and at the next so annoying you want to throttle someone?
Don't get me wrong, they are great kids, but they love to repeat themselves over and over and over again. One minute they are quiet and the next its as if they are hyped up on halloween candy and everything is chaotic. I should have left good enough alone and enjoyed the quiet.
Stampin Up Handmade Cards - Pictures

I always love the Stampin Up Handmade cards my friends give me - Here are two:

Click to See more pictures of Handmade Cards and Other Stamping Projects:
Protecting Our Children --- Crimes against Children is a Family Affair
I don't know why I keep reading the news...... its scarier then any horror movie. For the Mohler family men, sexual crimes against children is a family affair. Five men are facing charges of crimes against children and the police have cadaver dogs out searching a farm looking for victim remains. The father of this family taught his 5 sons to be sexual devients and together they abused the family's children.
These types of stories are horrific and are becoming a regular news stories. Is it becoming so common that all we do is say - oh there's another one - or do we continue to be shocked and horrified?
The question of the day is how do you protect your child from these types of people?
Is there anyway to rid society of this type of behavior?
Project Sanctuary - 25 Children rescued from child pornogrophy ring
Tips from the National Offenders Registry
How to Keep Your Child Safe Online
Missing Children Society - How to Protect Your Child
Tattling ... Nothing Gets on my Nerves More than Tattle Tales
My daughter keeps trying to turn into a tattle tale and its like nails on a chalk board to me. Every time I hear, "Mom (her brother) is (doing something)," my blood boils. Thing is, when is it tattling and when is it not and how can I teach her the difference?
I don't want her telling me stuff just to get her brother in trouble but at the same time I want to make sure she tells me stuff that is important for me to know about. The difference between her brother not doing something I asked him to do and her brother doing something dangerous I need to be aware of. How can a little girl be expected to know the difference?
I ask her what her purpose in telling me something was... ya she doesn't always get what I mean but maybe if I keep repeating myself she'll get it..... Are you telling me because you want him to get into trouble or because he's gonna get hurt or break something?
Some things I need to know about regardless of whether a child will get hurt or break something. Some times tattling is OK and other times it's not.... teaching the difference is the hard part.
Westcoast Hot Yoga in Vancouver IS for Beginners
I thought I'd try Westcoast Hot Yoga before committing to the Bikram Yoga Studio and it was a lot gentler. They provided modified poses, straps, and blocks. They didn't push or even use the word push. They had advanced and beginner instructions for all their poses so everyone could feel included in the exercises.
Personally, I will probably go with Westcoast Hot Yoga because they have other types of classes. They have a 60 minute Hot Yoga class as well as the 90 minutes with the room at 40 degrees. They also have cooler classes with the room at 30 degrees and longer held poses for a different benefit. I like the option of changing it up.
There is nothing wrong with the Bikram Studio Franchise - it is a good quality studio to practice hot yoga with. I enjoyed my 2 weeks and encourage others who are experienced yoga practitioners to try out the Bikram Yoga Studio in their area. For me I like modified options, stretching aids, and different class lengths and times, which Westcoast Hot Yoga provides. That's the great thing about competition, there is something for everyone.
Day 1
Bikram Yoga - Yep Still Hot
Bikram Yoga - not for beginners
Bikram Yoga Studio - Whiterock
US Health Care Reform - Americans Live in Fear of Change and Ignorance
I don't understand Americans. Their health care system caters to the rich and decisions are made by greedy insurance companies, yet they fight change for a better system. They allow insurance companies to scare them with lies and 1/2 truths about government participated health care systems in the world. I don't understand in this age of the information highway they continue to get it wrong.
John Voight Condemns New Zealand, Canada, and European Health Systems, Click to find out why he got it wrong.
Canadian Health Care is not the terrible mess that they are lead to believe it is. The issues that we face have more to do with a lack of qualified personnel then it does lack of funds. If your case is deemed life threatening by a doctor you get the tests and treatments you need right away. If your case is not life threatening then your case goes into the que for services depending on how serious your case is. What tests and treatments you need are decided by your doctor and not an insurance company.
Those that complain about long wait times etc. are those that don't have life threatening or serious health issues and are waiting only for peace of mind. Since our system is perceived as free many abuse it and constantly ask for tests and treatments and that clogs the system producing wait times. They then turn around and whine about the long wait time and then perceptions about the Canadian system are skewed.
The Canadian system is far from perfect, Canada has a serious shortage of doctors and nurses NOT a shortage of funds. Families can't find family doctors and there are a shortage of beds in the hospitals. Our newly educated doctors have gone south because they can determine their income in the States so they make a lot more per visit. Our system needs less red tape, what government based system doesn't? Ontario is working on LP Nurse run options that seem to be filling the gap left by doctors, hopefully the rest of the country will soon follow suit. When every citizen can easily and openly access the system then it does get abused and bottle necked.
Instead of just listening to accounts of people waiting for care maybe find out how serious their need was. If it wasn't considered serious by their doctors then they have to wait longer but they still get the tests and services in the end. Everyone who needs the tests and services gets the tests and services, when they do depends on their health not their pocket book.
Those who say they couldn't get the service here so they went south and paid for it instead are only telling half the story. First you have to ask how sick were you? How imperative was it for them to be tested right now? In comparison to others in the system was your need the most pressing one? What was the result of the test? Were they in fact sick or just needed peace of mind? Of course they could get the test or service in the States right away, there was no insurance company standing in their way and they paid out of pocket for it.
Some patients will fall through the cracks for whatever reason. Many will look to the States for alternate options and that's fine but it doesn't mean the system doesn't work. It is overwhelmed because many will go just to visit with their doctor while those who need a doctor can't find one with anymore room. Hypochondriacs will tax the system and complain that they can't get the services they want. The wait times can be stressful, but not so terrible that you die waiting because if your dying your case is considered serious and you jump the que. Can Americans say patients never die waiting for an insurance company to approve their treatment?
Reform and Compromise
Will the Senate Pass a Bill in Time?
Fabulous Handmade Cupcake Boxes
Bikram Yoga - Why am I Still Going?
Day 5 was by far the easiest day, I found a cooler corner where it was a few degrees lower. I was able to do 75% of the class - so I am getting there.
What I can't figure out is why I am still going, it's hard and when I'm doing it I want to quit but then just hours after the class my body is craving to go back. I think my body is nuts, it can't stand the heat but it wants to go back into it again......
I've never craved an activity after such a short time of doing it, especially one that takes so much effort. It usually takes a couple of months for my body to need to continue and by then I've usually let life get in the way. This time in less than 1 week my body craves the activity and life hasn't had a chance to get in the way yet. However finances might, this is not a cheap way to exercise.
I am impressed though because after a week I'm fitting into jeans a size smaller then I was a week ago and my skin is clear and softer. I haven't changed the way I eat, still eating bad fast food and junk food. I've done a lot of different exercise and diet plans and none have had this type of effect in after just one week. OK maybe it's just water, but hey I'm in a size smaller without dieting and my body is craving the activity like it was a drug - so I don't care!
Folding Handmade Greeting Card / Scrapbook Embellishment
Why are Schools Catering to Parents?
What I want to know is why are schools catering to parents whims and fancies so much? It is as if the teachers and administration are so scared to rock the boat and offend a parent nothing ever gets done.
Its hard enough to be a teacher without having to keep parents happy. Instead of constantly complaining that the teacher isn't working out try working with them to find a solution to the problem instead. Concentrate on the teacher's strong traits and discuss what she/ he needs to help their weaker traits.
Not all teachers are good, some really should find something else to do, however, when a teacher is trying and struggling the last thing they need is parents judging them. Communication is the key, that and not flying off the handle over a story your child has told you. Misunderstandings are a result of not diplomatically talking about the issue and coming up with a solution together.
One of my pet peeves are people who complain and don't do anything to help change a situation. You know the type, they complain for the sake of complaining because they have nothing of value to say. It drives me nuts to listen to parents that sit around the school complaining about the teacher, the administration, the policies and have no understanding beyond their own needs and desires. Most policies are made because a parent freaks out over something and the school over compensates.
My hats go off to those that step up and work with teachers to make classrooms a better place. I have respect for those that volunteer their time to make the schools better. I admire those that show leadership and put in the extra effort to make a bad situation good.
Children see what parents do and they will model that behavior. What message and example do you want to show your kids? Do you want your children to grow up to become complainers or leaders? It is in all our power to be more understanding, patient, and compassionate. If we act in such a way then our children will become that way.
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive.
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement he learns to be confident.
If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love.
If a child lives with recognition, he learns it is good to have a goal.
If a child lives with honesty he learns what truth is.
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith in himself and those about him.
If a child lives with friendliness, he learns the world is a nice place in which to live to love and be loved.
Who's More Important the Teacher or the Parent?
Tips on Avoiding Parent / Teacher Conflicts
Handmade Cards Ideas - Pictures
Bikram Yoga - for both men and women of all ages
I've decided that I will go every other day instead of trying to go everyday so I won't make my goal of 8/14 days. Oh well, better to keep going then over do it. Today I arrived at the studio and there was a junior hockey team there - talk about feeling old and out of shape. All these young fit hockey players wearing shorts or what looked like underwear getting ready to stretch and sweat. I almost went home but true to my new goals I stayed.
Yoga studios must be the newest pick up joint because each class I've been to has young beautiful women and men. My husband didn't go yesterday because I was too nauseaus still to go. He didn't want to go alone and one of his excuses was he'd feel out of place with a bunch of old women. Every class I've been to has a variety of both men and women from their early 20s to their 50s, so he would have fit right in.
As for the junior hockey team, they did all the poses although they weren't very flexible. Like most junior hockey teams there were the juveniles of the group who kept disrupting the class but they all tried every pose. Some were serious about their practice and were flexible and strong enough to be doing more advanced poses. I'm glad I stayed because I didn't feel uncomfortable and I just went at my pace and made it through the 90 minutes.
Day 1
Bikram Yoga - Yep Still Hot
Bikram Yoga - not for beginners
Bikram Yoga Studio - Whiterock
Kitchen Organization Bulletin Board
I am in the process of making a kitchen bulletin board to keep all the notices, papers, and items easily at hand. I started looking online at the various ideas out there to help create an organized space for all the papers that pile up constantly.
Kitchen Fridge organizational system for papers
Real Simple Magazine's How to create a bulletin board article
Organizing your bulletin board can allow you to get the most use out of the space and keep visual distractions to a minimum. These tips can help you get moving in a more organized direction.
The idea room blog has pictures of the king of all organizational boards. A bit more then what I want for myself but if you want a serious organizational bulletin board that will help keep your family organized this might be the idea for you.

I love how this bulletin board from the Family Crafts blog keeps each child visually organized.
Do you have a bulletin board idea on your blog or website? Then leave a link in the comments so we can check it out.